Customization by Otismo Web Design.

The TiNi CMS Technology Blog

Home Page - Welcome !

Kok's Galaxy Congratulations, this website is now powered by TiNi CMS ;-)

You can login to your TiNiLiL File Mgr with the Login link in the footer.

Once logged in, edit the "flat-file database" (text files) that are

in the Files Folder to control the Content of your new WebSite !

You can also add more pages (the "menu" file), change your website keywords, title, description, slogan, copyright and more just by editing the appropriately named text files.

TiNi CMS has now been ported to

"Technology Blog" -

this beautiful CSS Designer Template

by Darren Hester !

Valid CSS!      TiNi LoGo TiNi CMS is still "the tiniest" CMS ;-)Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional

Templates courtesy of Designs by Darren | ALL Customization by Otismo Web Design
A Standards Conforming Web Site ! | Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict | Valid CSS